Ok, gang, it’s official: I are a corporation. Setting up a corporation for yourself sounds fraught with complication, in the I-don’t-even-want-to-deal-with-it-let’s-just-forget-this-whole-thing kind of way. But once I started looking into it, it was really remarkably easy. Step One: I searched for, and found, a good URL. This is harder than it sounds. Every single word…
Category: Incorporation
C Corps and S Corps and LLCs, oh my!
Yesterday I blogged about my decision to form a company and some of the benefits involved. Now it’s time for me to look at what type of company to form. For advice on this I looked to the Small Business Kit for Dummies. It went over the basics, but just the basics. To really find…
To Be or Not To Be… A Legal Entity
The book’s nearly out the door, which means there are visions of agents and editors dancing in my head. And dollar signs. Big dollar signs. So I’ve been doing a lot of research into the question of whether or not to incorporate my writing business. I still haven’t made up my mind yet, because it’s…