Take a look at this snap of the Teen section at the good ol’ B&N and tell me if you see what I see.
I see a metric ton of red, black, and purple. A good assortment of chillingly beautiful, yet otherworldly faces. And confirmation that vampires aren’t just a thing in teen fiction anymore; they’re The Thing.
This, my friends, is the power of marketing, and of storytelling. Between them, Stephanie Meyer and her publisher have moved an entire generation. I predict we’ll be seeing ripples of this effect in adult fiction for years to come.
i hate it that vampires are now "the thing" because it used to, or atleast seemed to, be just me who liked them and now i walk down the halls at school and i feel awkard since i'm not the only one who's in love with vampires anymore…
I'm loving your blog.
Will definitely follow!
It's hard to be well versed in the sciences and suspend disbelief when reading about vampires (or watching them in cinema). But I think it's all about these creatures being some kind of literary device for enhancing a storytellers's ability to further explore the human condition.
It's fun to be a victim of clever marketing every now and then.