Today is my first Mother’s Day as an official, bonafide mom. Â Naturally enough, I’ve spent a lot of the last year thinking about the kind of mom I want to be. Â And there’s really only one answer: Â one like my own. Of course, I didn’t always know how good I had it. Â Case in point:…
Category: Uncategorized
Paradigm Shift
It’s been a crazy few weeks for the Kalmes clan.  First, we moved to Seattle, real quick-like, a subject I hope to address in greater length in a future post.  Then, almost as soon as we were settled in a new apartment, Story and I took off again—this time to Texas for a dear friend’s…
Temporary Retirement
Only two days until I head off to Orson Scott Card’s Literary Boot Camp! This Thursday I was so busy I didn’t even think about liveblogging. It just went clean out of my mind. Next week I won’t be liveblogging either. As much fun as it would be to liveblog Boot Camp, it seems like…
Saturday Funnies
If you need a laugh, check out the truly awful sentences showcased in The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest. My personal favorite? Cynthia had washed her hands of Philip McIntyre – not like you wash your hands in a public restroom when everyone is watching you to see if you washed your hands but like washing your…
Is it Wednesday Already?
Liveblogging Wednesday has been permanently relocated to Thursday, on account of my Game Night being permanently relocated to Wednesday. Now, what am I going to cook?
Liveblogging Thursday This Week
Cheaty, I know.
Three Conversations About Self-Publishing
With my friend Becky, about six months ago. My summation: “I dunno. I think if I couldn’t get published traditionally, I’d have to take a good, hard look at my work.” With my writing group, Wednesday night. My summation: “I think it’s a path to publication that is opening up for some people, like bloggers…
And…. I’m Back
I’ve been absent from the blogosphere for almost two months now. Sorry to disappoint you, Mom! But I had gotten my groove back, writing wise, and I didn’t want any distractions. Now that I’m settled into the groove, I’m back to blogging. More tomorrow, but for now I’ll just mark my return with: Three Things…
Good News, Bad News
Good News: I’ve finished my Comprehensive List of Revisions to Make. Bad News: It’s long. Good News: I am adding ten scenes and eliminating four. The extra six should easily make up the additional five thousand words I want to add to the book’s length. Bad News: I have to write them. Good News: There…
Victory is Mine!
I’m done with the book! It currently weighs in at about sixty-five thousand words — a good five thousand below my goal. It’s probably publishable at 65K, but it’s definitely a little light, so I’ll be looking to add those extra five thousand words during editing (that’s about fifteen pages to you civilians). It’s quite…